When the weather gets THIS COLD... it's tempting to just stay in and not embrace the chill of the outdoors. We get that. So we've compiled a list of the best Winter-themed activity tray ideas to keep your toddlers entertained when you just want to stay in...
Ice Blocks - A highlight of our Penguins & Polar Bears event was the Ice Blocks activity. We froze containers of water with sea creatures inside overnight and provided pipettes and measuring jugs filled with lukewarm water. The tots enjoyed melting the ice blocks to release the animals. This activity is excellent for developing concentration, problem-solving, and fine motor skills. It also offers a lesson on the elements, demonstrating how ice changes into water.
2. Snow Dough - We made our own Snow Dough for our Arctic Animals activity. It allowed us to mold it into ice caps for the animals to inhabit, using polar toy figures! It's fantastic for role play development and learning about the world.
3. Pretend Snow - We combined hair conditioner, corn flour, and baking soda to create pretend snow! It's slightly messier than Snow Dough, but children enjoy the cold, powdery texture that can be molded into a snowman!
4. Stickman Snowy Woodland Scene - We set this tray up at a recent birthday party... We used our pretend mud and sensory ocean rice, sprinkled over some pretend snow (flour will do!) to create this beautiful woodland scene... and we popped a Stickman toy in the river for the tots to play out the famous book. We also dotted about some woodland creatures, hidden holes and pine cones.
5. Blue & White Rice Ice - A sensory delight awaits! Fill your tray with a vibrant mix of half white rice and half blue-dyed rice, then add scoops, containers, and pine cones to create a magical winter wonderland for your little one!
6. Bear Hunt - Recreate your tots favourite page in the Bear Hunt book! The squelchy mud can be made using our Mud Dough (which comes with a wiggly Super-Worm!), or you could recreate the snowy ice scene with crushed ice or pretend snow! Hooo Wooo!
We hope you enjoy these activity tray ideas! If you have any, feel free to share them with us on Facebook or Instagram, or drop us an email at info@foresttots.uk
Also, check out our shop for lots of pre-made kits - it takes the brainwork out of entertaining your tots on a cold day!
Wrap up warm!